Blog Praeview
From left to right: Diana & Jonathan Toebbe, Ja Morant, Kanye West, and Jack Teixeira
What do a rap mogul/fashion icon (Kanye West), NBA superstar (Ja Morant), Air National Guardsman (Jack Teixeira), and Maryland suburban couple (Jonathan & Diana Toebbe) all have in common??? Aside from being in the news, each of them had an alternative persona and lifestyle that upon closer inspection, starts to reveal cracks in the facade. As an organization, how does an organization assess and understand the risk of hiring either as a brand ambassador, organizational face, or simply an employee? Once hired, now how do they protect themselves from the actions of their brand ambassador, organizational face, or employee? First, let's define risk, which is simply the possibility of something bad happening. In intelligence operations, risk is assessed in terms of the likelihood of an event occurring with the impact of such an event, should it occur. The worst-case scenario in human intelligence (HUMINT) operations is an impact to national security and loss of life. Fortunately, this isn't a likely event for most organizations; however, significant reputational damages and financial losses are...
So who's/what's Prae? We're a team led by former US Intelligence operators who applied our unique experiences in intelligence operations to private industry and now trying to create digital awareness. Pronounced "pre" - its a word-forming element meaning "before," from Latin prae (adv.). At Prae, we want to help others detect risk BEFORE something bad happens by blending data science, open-source intelligence (OSINT), and human psychology...all without intrusive endpoint agents/tools. We discover and aggregate any information that's available about you on the internet, dark web, social media, public databases, etc but also preserving data privacy to then build an employee risk profile and raise awareness. Our vision and goal are to help others leverage open-source and translate them into prioritized risk insights for your organization.
While we develop and refine our technology, we wanted to invite you on our journey and share things we've learned and picked up along the way, some through trials and tribulations. However, rather than your run-of-the-mill blog, we thought we'd make it a little more interesting by mashing knowledge, technology, and popular culture/arts. Welcome to our blog, PraeByte!